Fleebags UK

Supporting victims and survivors of abuse through education, awareness and empowerment

Fleebagsuk is an organisation set up to educate, empower and support  victims and survivors  of domestic abuse.
Fleebagsuk is based on the life experiences of an individual who has lived her life under the cloud of an abuser, she now wants to educate and support others who are going or gone through similar experiences.
As in many abusive relationships the victim will go through the relationship with lots of questions about their own behaviors, responses and decision's while battling with the actions of the abuser. It is only when we near the end of the relationship that we have the emotional strength to start to seek some of those answers.
Fleebagsuk gives survivors and victims a safe non judgmental space to explore their journey in more depth, building knowledge to build strength, to sustain a healthier life. 
No matter your current situation, whether you are still in the relationship, planning to leave or you have accepted that you must stay, no matter what or why our qualified and experienced staff can support , advise and guide you into the next stage of your journey without judgement.

Fleebbagsuk offers one to one Recovery Therapy and/or a 4 Week Recovery Program.

Our Staff are all Fully Trained with a wealth of experience:

Diploma Trained Counsellors specializing in Addictions.
Have vast knowledge and experience in Recovery Therapy.
Have lived experience to advise and support our clients. 

About Fleebags  image

The Contract

To explore all the different forms of abuse and how we can often loose site and normalize the behaviors of our abuser. To explore the stages of the relationship rather than focusing on the cycle of abuse as these may vary from one person to anther.

The Trauma Bond

The Questions of the Survivor Exploring why we stay, why we cant leave and why we often return to our abuser The Science behind the mind Exploring the impact abuse has on the brain , and how we often struggle to make simple decisions and function affectively.

Fear of Reality

Finding acceptance and exploring how we finally reach that stage. Identifying reasons why we stay so long and even never leave. Explore why and how the bond has finally broken.

The Recovery Tool Box

To explore ways to survive and sustain a healthy life style. Filling the gap. Accepting the loss and owning those feelings. Creating a personalized tool box to take forward in life.

What should I do if I am being abused?

If you are being abused, it is important to seek help and support. You can contact a domestic violence hotline, seek medical attention, talk to a trusted friend or family member, or reach out to a domestic violence shelter or organisation.

Can I recover from the effects of domestic violence?

Yes, with support and resources, it is possible to recover from the effects of domestic violence. This can include therapy, support groups, and other resources offered by domestic violence organizations.

How can I protect my children from abuse?

If you have children, it is important to keep them safe from abuse as well. This can include seeking therapy for them, notifying their school or daycare, and involving the legal system if necessary

How can I stay safe if I am leaving an abusive relationship?

Leaving an abusive relationship can be dangerous, so it is important to have a safety plan in place. This can include packing an emergency bag, having a safe place to go, and notifying friends, family, and the police. Restraining orders can also be obtained for additional support.

  • The Office for National Statistics reported there were an estimated 758,000 domestic abuse-related crimes reported in England and Wales from 2020 to 2021.  These figures only represent reported crimes, and the actual number of incidents is likely to be higher as many cases of domestic abuse go unreported.
  • According to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), in the year ending March 2021, there were 79,611 prosecutions for domestic abuse-related crimes in England and Wales. Of those prosecutions, 74,410 resulted in convictions, which is a conviction rate of 93.5%.
Statistics image

For advice and information on Recovery Therapy sessions and Fleegbags six week Recovery program please contact us on the above details. Recovery Therapy Sessions 50 mins - £40.00 Six Week Recovery Program - (2 hours session per week ) £500.00


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